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Reserve your seat on the FA Cup road-trip

Reserve your seat on the FA Cup road-trip

Jonathan McGourty30 Jul 2019 - 16:23
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Coach booked for Shildon away

A coach has been booked for our Emirates FA Cup match away at Shildon on Saturday 10th August.

It's always tough when we head north for a competitive game and this will be no exception.
Do your bit by reserving a seat on the coach and giving your support to Garforth as they bid to progress to the next round.

If you've never been to an away match with the Miners, this is a great game to make it happen!

A place on the coach is just £10 and you can reserve a spot at the Handsworth game on Saturday, or contact
Craig Bannister - 07866 044729 - email
Brian Close - 07740 047458 - email

Further reading